Beauty Tips For a Great Skin

February 12, 2015

Everybody loves to look gorgeous. Who doesn’t like to be sought after? After all, this boosts confidence and makes a huge difference to how you look yourself in the mirror. Often, we envy ladies who look great and flawless and consider that they are lucky. But it is not about only being lucky but how you take care of yourself. Believe me, this is not rocket science; if only you take care of your skin, you will see wonders.

We list a few basic tips that will help you take appropriate care of your skin:

Cleanse: You need to incorporate this habit in your skin care regime and make sure that you cleanse gently, once a day. If you have oily skin, then you will have to cleanse your face frequently. Even after applying cleanser, do not scrub your face and instead let the cleanser sit on your skin for some time to break down the makeup, dirt, and oil and then wash it gently with lukewarm water. Splashing your face with water multiple times a day also helps. In case you have oily skin use a foam cleanser twice a day.

Apply sunscreen: Whichever blog you read for skincare, you will always come across “sunscreens”. Not only it is a must to wear one with an SPF of at least 30 to prevent skin aging but also to reapply it every few hours. The sun-shielding ingredients in a sunscreen are not effective for a longer time and the efficiency lasts for just 2 hours. So it is important to keep a sunscreen in your bag so that you can dab it every few hours.

Apply Sunscreen

Invest in a retinoid cream: Retinoid cream can work wonders for your skin as it makes your skin glow and smooth. Retinoids are basically vitamin A derivatives which boost collagen that performs miracles for your skin by reducing fine lines and speed cell turnover to avoid discoloration. You can easily get them over-the-counter in the form of retinol or as tretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene. If you are using it for the first time, then dab some moisturizer on your face and let it stay for at least 30 minutes post which you can apply the cream.

Sleep well: Most women complain about acne. It so happens that the stress hormone, cortisol ages the skin and can cause acne. Getting adequate sleep is sufficient to reduce the cortisol level in your body. So make sure that you get sleep for at least 7 hours every day.

Get some exercise: No matter how sedentary your lifestyle is, make sure that you spare at least half an hour for physical activity every day. Make sure that you get sufficient cardiovascular exercises which will raise your heart rate. As a result, blood circulation and oxygen capacity will improve and you will get a glowing skin. So, go for aerobic exercises or dance, break a sweat and you will see the change.

Add antioxidants omega-3 fats to your diet: Omega 3 fats are quite healthy for the body and they can work wonders for your hair too. Besides, they keep your skin hydrated completely and also reduce the inflammation which is responsible for skin redness. Foods rich in antioxidants such as blueberries, dark greens, green tea and coffee are great when it comes to fighting free radicals responsible for skin aging.

Omega 3 Food Sources

Foods that will take care of your overall body

Eating proper food not only helps you to stay fit but also keep your skin and hair beautiful. Keep a store of the following foods:

  • Avocados: They are amazing sources of biotin, which is great for dry skin and brittle hair and nails. So make sure that you much enough of them.
  • Green tea: Green tea not only helps you to keep your weight in check but is also a skin-friendly beverage as it’s a powerhouse of polyphenols.
  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a great snack and when applied as a paste with olive oil can prevent sunburn. These are rich sources of lycopene and carotenoids. Also, they slow down cellular damage to a considerable extent which can be caused from free radicals.
  • Eggs: Eggs are rich in proteins and hence can help repair cellular damages caused from free radicals. Eggs also contain biotin, an essential vitamin mentioned above which has its own benefits.
  • Pomegranates: You can munch this healthy fruit and also apply it to your skin. These antioxidant-rich fruits are responsible for creating collagen and speed healing as well.