Essentials for Babies

August 18, 2014

They say having a child is the biggest happiness in the world. I agree with this. A baby is a blessing. Being a parent is like being given a chance to play God for someone, since your child is and will be totally dependent on you, at least till the time he/she matures. The two magical words which every woman probably wants to say happily someday are “I’m Pregnant!” And when she does say them, along comes a phase of excitement, anticipation, health care, advices from close ones and lots of pampering. Husbands suddenly become more aware of their wives’ needs and health. The love in the couple increases many fold as both share the joy and dream of having a beautiful and healthy child. Relatives and close friends offer loving advice and are always present at the expecting mother’s beck and call. And the would-be mother starts glowing with happiness. Such is the power of a baby!

And when a baby can bring such positive energy in our lives, it should not only be our duty but also our first priority to provide the child every little thing he/she needs. From the correct food nutrition to the correct education, proper clothes, safe and enjoyable toys and a healthy growing environment, parents should take care of all the things which form a pivotal role during the early years of a child’s life. In such a scenario, what are the most essential things that all children, especially babies, need while growing up? Let’s take a broader look.

Diapers – Good quality diapers are one of the most important items a baby needs not only to maintain cleanliness but also hygiene. During the initial days after birth, babies should be made to wear undergarments made from very soft cloth to protect them from skin rashes but as the days pass, cloth undergarments should be replaced with diapers. They protect babies from wetness during sleep and also take away the hassle of changing their clothes every time they are wet or dirty.

Baby Diapers

Feeders – These include feeding bottles, small plates and spoons specially designed for babies. While buying such items parents should take care that they are made of good grade plastic. Since babies try to nibble their feeders, if they are not up-to-mark, they may prove to be harmful for the baby.

Soft clothes – Babies’ skin is very soft as compared to adults hence the clothes that are designed for them are made from cloth which is tender and does not braise the skin. 100% cotton is the most popular choice, so is hosiery. Proper care should be taken to ensure that baby clothes are soft, easily washable (since they get dirty often) and of course colorful (to attract the baby). A full dress for the baby should include a soft cap or hat which covers the head and ears, full body covering dress (with exception in summers), socks, soft shoes and a bib (since babies salivate a lot and might spill during eating or vomit afterwards).

Baby Clothes

Teething aids – When babies start to grow teeth, their gums feel very itchy. At this stage they often keep nibbling their own or their parents’ hands and fingers and also their clothes and bib. However, their hands and clothes might not always be clean. Hence, they should be given teething aids. These are colorful soft items made from food-grade flexible plastic filled with jelly. They come in different shapes to attract babies and their material is not harmful if the baby tries to chew them.

Toiletries – These include soaps, shampoos, creams, powders and lotions. They are designed such that they do not harm the babies’ skin or eyes in any manner. While bathing or otherwise if the baby accidentally consumes little quantities of such products, then too, they do not harm them. It is important to keep the baby clean and moisturized so parents should always keep these products in amply supply.

Toys – Though they might seem unimportant, toys are every bit as essential for babies as other things. They stimulate their visual and hearing capabilities and also improve their reflexes.

In addition to these there are a lot of little things which are essential during a baby’s growing years. While all these things are material, the most important thing that a baby needs is love and constant attention.